That New Design Smell
Our website has changed, here’s what we’ve done to make everything a little easier
Team Pages
Want to keep up to date with how your Academy age group is doing? Interested in how each Academy group fares in the first season of the Junior Premier League? Our new Teams section will give you updates on fixtures, results, coach and player interviews, and other fun on- and off-pitch content over the course of the season.
Everything, in one place
Many of our navigation tabs are changing - gone are the days of trawling through drop down menus looking for courses, with main pages designed for each of the Academy’s core programme areas. Whether you’re already subscribed to multiple age groups or courses, or you want to see an overview of what the Academy can offer, these pages will make seeing everything just that little bit more simple!
A New Home
Our revamped homepage will offer a more dynamic and engaging way to see all Academy content right from the start, with regularly-updated news articles and interviews, easy access to the key areas of the Academy, and a steady stream of new and exciting content, from interviews, to match updates, to new programme information and discounts!
If you notice something in our new design that doesn’t quite work or seem right, drop us a message on social media! Our media team will look to sort it out as quickly as possible.