Montenegro Scholar's Trip 2025
Before clicking “Book Now”, please ensure a parent/guardian is present to complete the booking form
Please also have the student’s passport to hand as you will need to provide passport details on booking. Your passport must have a minimum of 6 months remaining on the date of travel
Please be aware that all fees associated to travel are outside of the funding guidelines offered to your son / daughter for this trip
Before clicking “Book Now”, please ensure a parent/guardian is present to complete the booking form
Please also have the student’s passport to hand as you will need to provide passport details on booking. Your passport must have a minimum of 6 months remaining on the date of travel
Please be aware that all fees associated to travel are outside of the funding guidelines offered to your son / daughter for this trip
Before clicking “Book Now”, please ensure a parent/guardian is present to complete the booking form
Please also have the student’s passport to hand as you will need to provide passport details on booking. Your passport must have a minimum of 6 months remaining on the date of travel
Please be aware that all fees associated to travel are outside of the funding guidelines offered to your son / daughter for this trip