Premier League Referee Tom Bramall Rocks the Worksop Town Academy with Inspiring Workshop!

Worksop Town Academy recently had the privilege of hosting Premier League Referee Tom Bramall for an insightful Referee Workshop. The event provided a unique opportunity for our scholars to gain valuable knowledge about the life of a Premier League referee.

Tom's engaging presentation covered various aspects that are not only pertinent to the world of refereeing but will also prove beneficial as our scholars transition beyond their Worksop Town Scholarship.

The workshop delved into Tom's journey into refereeing, shedding light on the dedication and commitment required to reach the professional level.

Emphasis was placed on crucial values like respect and discipline, essential qualities for any aspiring referee navigating the challenges on and off the football pitch.

Tom provided valuable insights into managing life both on and off the pitch, emphasising the importance of striking a balance to excel in both areas.

Scholars gained an overview of the level of commitment necessary to become a professional referee, preparing them for the rigorous journey ahead.

The workshop also explored opportunities within the football industry beyond playing, ensuring scholars are aware of diverse career paths available to them.

Tom highlighted ways in which the lessons learned as referees can be applied to academic pursuits, creating a holistic approach to their education and personal development.

The scholars were given practical scenarios in making effective decisions during matches, emphasising the swift decision-making skills required in the fast-paced world of refereeing.

We couldn't thank Tom Bramall enough for his generosity in sharing his time and expertise with our scholars. His dedication to nurturing the next generation of football enthusiasts is outstanding, and who knows, maybe among our talented group of students, the next Premier League Referee might emerge! Tom's workshop was a game-changer for Worksop Town Academy, inspiring our scholars to dream big on and off the pitch!

If you fancy joining us next year and becoming a Worksop Town Academy scholar, register for our next open day here


Worksop Town Academy Football Education Open day another huge success!
